Horse riding holidays in Greece, Crete Island.
Before completing this booking form, please sent us first an availability request.
Fields with * must be filled.
Contact person:*
The travel dates that we are holding place(s) on for you are:*
Number of persons:*1234567891011
Birth date:
Guest is:a non ridera rider
His/her riding level is:Beginner – You’ve never been on a horse before or have had a few lessons. You may have trotted and may have hacked out at walk.Novice – You’ve mastered the basic aids in all paces and can mount and dismount unaided. You’re confident on a well-schooled horse in walk, rising trot (posting), and for short periods of canter in a school or even outside.Intermediate – You’re a secure and confident rider on a well-schooled horse at all paces including a fast canter in open country. You’re happy to ride for several hours and may have some jumping experience.Advanced – You’re an experienced rider, confident and relaxed on horseback. You ride regularly and have an independent seat and soft hands. You’re capable of handling a spirited horse at canter in open country and are happy to jump. You may have owned or shared your own horse and have experience of riding a variety of horses.
The no. of riding years:
Riding intensity:only on holidayonce a monthseveral times a monthonce a weekseveral times a weekdailyseveral hours per day
Type of riding:westernenglishdressagejumpingrecreational riding
Extra information I like to give:
Weight: in KG or Lbs: (maximum weight for riders is 90 kg or 200 lbs)
Health issues or disabilities that effect the riding:YesNo
Special diets or allergies:
Occupation:single room supplementshared room twin bedsshared room double bedtriple roomfamily room
Transfer from Heraklion airport wanted:YesNo
Rental car offer wanted:YesNo
We/I have closed a travel insurance that covers horse riding:YesNo
We/I have read and fully understood all booking terms and conditions and the booking and cancellation policies and we/I have read and fully understood the indemnity agreement.